What skills are most in demand over the next 5 years?

On January 7, the World Economic Forum released the 2025 Future of Jobs Report.

According to the report, these were the top 10 skills most in demand over the next five years:

The five skills highlighted are directly addressed in the MindShifting book and Courses.

The 285 page report is always a fascinating read, addressing questions such as:

  • What factors are making the biggest impact on jobs over the next 5 years (certainly AI is one)
  • What jobs are the fastest growing and which jobs are
  • What are the areas of fastest job creation (Big Data Specialis) or decline (postal service clerks)
  • What jobs are increasing the fastest (farmworkers and agricultural workers) or declining (Cashiers and Ticket Clerks)

I don't think I'd be complete if I didn't present an opposing viewpoint as well. Audrey Walters points out that while employers say they want things like critical and creative thinking, resilience, etc. what they hire and demand is competence, conformance, and compliance. But those don't show up on surveys and reports.

Which isn't to say that the five highlighted skills aren't important. I propose that they are critical for our self-esteem, long term happiness, and continued success.

Mindshifting Educators

Mindshifting is recognizing and shifting from the mindsets that hold us back to the mindsets that push us forward. I write about mindsets, Mindshifting, learning, and education, with the hope that these posts give readers more power over their own lives and helps them give others, like their students, more power as well.

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